Monday, June 4, 2012

How to Invest Like a Professional Trader

If you are a first time investor, it is essential for you to do some reading to learn some trading secrets on the subject in order to understand how the market works and why the market goes through cyclic rises and falls. It is also necessary to understand the terminology as applied to share trading. Having studied the theory, you should decide up front what your goal is with share trading. You may want to be an active trader who buys and sells shares on a regular basis to make small capital gains or keep a steady portfolio with a longer view and receive dividend payments to supplement your income.

Either way, the companies of the shares that you own, or intend to accumulate should be regularly reviewed for possible buying and/or selling opportunities. If you don’t review your stock holding regularly, you may find that the value of your portfolio diminishes over time. When you are ready to start trading make contact with a good stockbroker. You may want to start by buying a small parcel of shares just to put your foot in the water and then gradually increase your level of investment once you see at first hand how the system works. You may choose to buy shares through a discount broker, but don’t expect any advice about the shares you wish to purchase, whereas with a full price broker you may receive useful information about up coming issues etc.

There is nothing more satisfying than watching your properly managed share portfolio increase in value over time especially with well chosen blue chip industrial shares in a good company. Dividends may be paid on a bi-annual basis for industrial shares or quarterly for some property trust based shares. In addition to books on share trading secrets, there is stock analyzer software available to assist you as well. In countries where franked dividends are applied you may have a ready made tax benefit as well.

This article authored and submitted by:
Ralph McIlwraith
To assist you trade in the stock market, a good way to start is through reading and once established, there are software programs that may help you as well. More information and help? “Please Click here.”

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